Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rain Rain is that why I am grouchy?

This weather really sucks and it is making people grouchy and depressed. I thought there was a glimmer of hope this afternoon but then again at soccer tonight I needed a jacket and a blanket! How is it going to get to 32 this weekend, can't see it. I hope it does because we are going camping to Pike Lake just past Saskatoon, it is one of the parks that we haven't gone to ever so I really hope it is nice.
Speaking of grouchy and dpressed....my mom left me a message today(I have been kind of avoiding her lately since her bought in the hospital, I have seen her a few times but find more excuses every day on why I don't want to see her) that she has blood issues again and that her protein is really high and she needs to see a specialist so I googled protein in blood and it brings up lots of reasons why but mostly it explains that the kidneys are in failure and bone marrow infections/cancer. When she was in the hospital they did every test known to man kind to her and the only thing that came out of it was Liver Disease, hence being an alcoholic has everything to do with it but I knew that it was more than that. Being the oldest sibling in my family means nothing to my mom, she only calls when she is mad at my brother and sister and to give me her GREAT news, am I being selfish to not want to deal with her or my siblings.......I just don't know how much more of a rollercoaster my emotions can handle and if I can just walk away it seems so much easier. It is coming up to the one year anniversary of my dad's burial and I think that is why I am feeling so crappy..this year is 11 years since he passed away and no one in my family wanted to do anything about getting his urn buried except for me....apparently they didn't want to deal with that. I am glad that it was finally done last year and it was the first father;s day that I actually got to go somewhere and talk to him!!! When I worked at Grand and Toy I would go at lunch to visit his grave and now I go every EDO and it makes me feel good.
Enough of my rambling,,,,just needed to get it out


  1. Today is sunshiney...so, maybe that'll bring a spring to your step...and make the challenges you are having with your family easier to manage. It really sounds like a crummy, extremely difficult situation...and I feel for you (hugs).

    I think it's lovely that you regularly go visit your dad's gravesite. (smile)

  2. I'm glad you have a spot to go talk to your dad.

    Sounds like a tough situation with your mom. Do what you can without making yourself miserable.
